jobs forhighflyersJoin us! Now!
a dynamic team and vacant places. become a part of us, become an automation people. we offer you fair conditions, a modern workplace, great bonus systems and benefits. what are you waiting for?
du möchtest projekte im sondermaschinenbau mit freiraum, echten entscheidungen und einem starken team im rücken gestalten? und stehst auf sondermaschinenbau und automatisierungstechnik vom feinsten? dann schau dir schnell diese stelle an!
are you a living proof that mechanical engineering is really cool? you can do magic with the 3d program? we develop virtual reality, systems for rocket construction, design products or test communication systems. have a look at our job description!
industriemeister (m|w|d)
du bist ein leidenschaftlicher industriemeister und liebst abwechlsungsreiche projekte? dabei kannst du super organisieren und koordinieren und hast ein großes herz für deine kollegen? dann schau dir diese stelle mal an!
mechatronics technician(m|w|d)
do you have a passion for machines and systems? are you skilled in your hands and work carefully and carefully? we build lots of great machines and control cabinets and have lots of exciting tasks for you! have a look at the job description and apply to us!
current and voltage are two of your best friends? do you also like screwing skillfully? then apply to us as an electrician! we certainly have the right challenges for you!
electrical designer(m|w|d)
do you have a real passion for control cabinets, circuit diagrams and everything that has to do with electrical design? we have exciting tasks for you! and you would be a good fit for our team!
dual student(m|w|d)
do you like to put your knowledge directly into practice and need variety in your life? then a dual study program with us is perfect for you! have a look!
internship semestersoftware(m|w|d)
are you passionate about software development and would like to put the knowledge you have acquired during your studies into practice? during your internship with us, you can help design software for controllers, multi-touch displays, drives, robots and more. be courageous and get to know us!
du bist ein kreativer mechanischer konstrukteur oder maschinenbauer im studium und zauberst gerne in 3d? dabei sind sicherheitsbetrachtungen, taktzeitanalysen oder fem-berechnungen keine fremdwörter für dich? bei uns lernst du in deinem praxissemester mehr als nur bauteile konstruieren! bei uns geht’s ums große ganze der mechanischen konstruktion im sondermaschinenbau. wir freuen uns auf deine bewerbung!
Internship semestere-design(m|w|d)
do you have a real passion for control cabinets, circuit diagrams and everything that has to do with electrical design? are you in the middle of your studies and would like to put your knowledge into practice? with us, you have many exciting opportunities for your internship semester! have a look and talk to us!
master-| bachelorthesis(m|w|d)
are you still looking for the perfect company for your thesis (bachelor, master, technician)? we have lots of exciting projects, from which we will work with you to select your topic related to automation technology. after that you can really get started!
abschlussarbeittechnischer vertrieb(m|w|d)
du studierst ein technisches fach, möchtest aber für deine abschlussarbeit über den technischen tellerrand hinausblicken? im technischen vertrieb geht es nicht nur um die technik, sondern um kunden, markt, wettbewerber und verkaufsargumente. klingt spannend? trau dich!
abschlussarbeit projektmanagement(m|w|d)
du kannst messerscharf analysieren? und hast einen guten technischen durchblick? wenn du außerdem wirtschaftsingenieurwesen oder vergleichbares studierst und auf der suche nach einer bachelor- oder masterarbeit in einer wirklich coolen firma bist, dann klicke hier!
apprenticetechnician electronicsautomation(m|w|d)
do you like turning big and small screws and aren't afraid of electricity? complete your training with us as an electronics technician for automation technology! more info here!
apprenticemechatronics technician(m|w|d)
are you interested in technology, are skilled in craftsmanship and love colorful and varied things? as a mechatronics technician, you are a mechanic and electronics technician in one person. sounds exciting? do your training with us!
application process
As soon as we receive your application, you will receive a confirmation of receipt. Within a week, you will receive feedback or an invitation to an interview. Promised! If we like each other, we will invite you to a trial working day, so you too will get a good feeling for whether we really fit together and what to expect from us. If everything works out, we will make you a contract offer and you decide!
Here you can yourself in a video See what working at mrm² is all about and how the application process works. Have fun!
Please send your application via email to karriere@mrm2.de.
We are looking forward to you!
Do you have any more questions? Please contact
2,500 eurosFinderlohn
Do you know people in your environment for whom electrical engineering, software, mechatronics, mechanical design or sales are no foreign words? These are exactly the people we are looking for. If you recommend a potential employee to us, we will pay you your finder's fee if you are successfully hired and employed. Just get in touch with us at karriere@mrm2.de.
For a successful recommendation, you will receive a finder's fee of 2,500 euros. You will receive the first 500 euros directly upon conclusion of the contract, the remaining 2,000 euros after the 6-month trial period has been completed. If there are double recommendations, the first one received will be accepted. We look forward to your recommendation!
Would you like to know more about our benefits and working for us? You can find information about this at career.